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Why Use ExamSmart?

Questions, Answers, Explanations

ExamSmart gives you approximately 400 to 500 questions to help prepare you to pass the real estate exam the FIRST time. What makes us different? Our explanations are by far the most comprehensive available. We not only give you an explanation as to the correct answer but also explain why the incorrect answers are false, which is the key to passing the exam.

AMP, Pearson VUE, and PSI

ExamSmart helps prepare you for the national portion of the AMP, Pearson Vue or PSI versions of the real estate exam. These questions are very similar to what you will experience on the actual exam. PLUS, if you are taking the AMP simulation exam, we have 25 sample simulations to help prepare you for that as well. For availability of state law questions, see our About page.

Tablet and Smartphone Compatibility

ExamSmart gives you the following choices:

  1. Use the program on any Internet device or
  2. Download to your computer. You have the flexibility to study whenever or however you want!

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